Welcome to Montgomery County Emergency Services District 14
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7983, The Woodlands, TX 77387-7983
Physical Address: 3434 Royal Oaks, Spring, TX, 77380
Phone: 832.447.3491
Monthly Board Meetings, 2nd Monday, 7PM, HOA Office, 25610 Timber Lakes Drive, Spring, TX, 77380
There will be a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Montgomery County Emergency Services District No. 14 held at the HOA Office, 25610 Timber Lakes Drive, Spring, Texas at 7:00 PM on February 10, 2025. The Board will consider and act on the following matters:
- Call to Order and Prayer
- Roll Call
- Public Comment
- Chief’s Report:
- Incident Reports for January
- Financial Reports: January
- Financial Statement Review
- Budget Report
- Vendor Summary
- M&O Expenditures
- Capital Expenditures
- Reconciliation Report
- Department Payroll for January
- Other:
- Status of SE 141 replaced equipment-tank & broken skid-unit
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Consent Agenda:
- Treasurer’s Other
- Unfinished Business:
- Lake Wyndemere property tax (pending future action)
- Discuss management of TIFMAS Reimbursement funds (pending future action).
- Courier Notice of meeting times and locations in 2025 (Pending Chief’s coordination)
- Revisit Commissioners Compensation motion from January.
- Adopt Compensation Policy provided by attorney with effective date change.
- New Business:
- To review and take action on matters related to construction, renovation, repair, maintenance and improvements to District facilities and real property, including engagement of design professionals or engineering services, selection of builders/contractors and cooperation with other county entities regarding the development of stations, including action on construction financing.
- Change in construction costs for new station.
- Approval of moving center bay door drive motor-$1650.00 (approved)
- Pending insulation costs for restrooms & fitness room- $1140.00?
- Fuel enclosure modification -$6486.00
- Change in construction costs for new station.
- Gullo Pay App #6 R N- $448,465.69
- Construction Loan payment of $219,177.29 due at March 10 regular meeting
- Discussion and action on website hosting
- VFD Bylaws and Policies due in March
- CCC Report from Bookkeeper for January 2025
- The next Regular Meeting will be on March 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM.
- Adjourn
Lanny Dreesen
Montgomery County Emergency Services District 14 (MCESD14) is a political subdivision of the State of Texas which provides local emergency services, including fire prevention and control, and emergency first response services. Our District includes the Timber Lakes/Timber Ridge (TLTR) Community as well as areas of south Montgomery County along parts of the Sawdust Road Corridor. These services are provided through a contract with the Timber Lakes Volunteer Fire Department (TLVFD) and mutual aid agreements with area Fire Departments.
A tax rate of $0.1000 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of Montgomery County Emergency Service District No. 14.
PROPOSED TAX RATE: $0.1000 per $100
NO-NEW-REVENUE TAX RATE: $0.0966 per $100
VOTER-APPROVAL TAX RATE: $0.1281 per $100
The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2024 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for Montgomery County Emergency Service District No. 14 from the same properties in both the 2023 tax year and the 2024 tax year.
The voter-approval rate is the highest tax rate that Montgomery County Emergency Service District No. 14 may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate.
The proposed tax rate is greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that Montgomery County Emergency Service District No. 14 is proposing to increase property taxes for the 2024 tax year.
September 9, 2024 AT 7:00 PM AT HOA Office, 25610 Timber Lakes Drive, Spring TX 77380.
The proposed tax rate is not greater than the voter-approval tax rate. As a result, Montgomery County Emergency Service District No. 14 is not required to hold an election at which voters may accept or reject the proposed tax rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the Commissioners of Montgomery County Emergency Service District No. 14 at their offices or by attending the public hearing mentioned above.
Property tax amount = (tax rate) x (taxable value of your property)/100
FOR the proposal: Alan Dreesen, Shirley Grandjean, Danny Olson, James Cox, Jim Waters
AGAINST the proposal: None
PRESENT and not voting: None
Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.
The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
Tax Comparison
Total tax rate (per $100 of value): $0.1000
Average homestead taxable value: $249,557
Tax on average homestead: $249.56
Total tax levy on all properties: $750,788
Total tax rate (per $100 of value): $0.1000
Average homestead taxable value: $256,141
Tax on average homestead: $256.14
Total tax levy on all properties: $776,753
For assistance with tax calculations, please contact the tax assessor for Montgomery County Emergency Service District No. 14 at 936-538-8124 or tammy.mcrae@mctx.org, or visit www.mocotaxes.org for more information.
Property tax rates in Montgomery County Emergency Service District No. 14.
This notice concerns the 2024 property tax rates for Montgomery County Emergency Service District No. 14. This notice provides information about two tax rates used in adopting the current tax year's tax rate. The no-new-revenue tax rate would impose the same amount of taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. In most cases, the voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate a taxing unit can adopt without holding an election. In each case, these rates are calculated by dividing the total amount of taxes by the current taxable value with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value.
This year's no-new-revenue tax rate: $0.0966/$100
This year's voter-approval tax rate: $0.1281/$100
To see the full calculations, please visit 400 N. SAN JACINTO, CONROE, TEXAS 77301 or email tammy.mcrae@mctx.org for a copy of the Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet.
Unencumbered Fund Balance
The following estimated balances will be left in the taxing unit's accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by corresponding debt obligation.
Type of Fund | Balance |
Woodforest National Bank- Checking | $140,925 |
Texas Class- Operating | $399,132 |
Texas Class- Reserve | $423,087 |
Current Year Debt Service
The following amounts are for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from upcoming property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable).
Description of Debt | Principal or Contract Payment to be Paid from Property Taxes | Interest to be Paid from Property Taxes | Other Amounts to be Paid | Total Payment |
New Fire Station | $84,452 | $134,725 | $0 | $219,177 |
Total required for 2024 debt service: $219,177
- Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in unencumbered funds: $0
- Amount (if any) paid from other resources: $0
- Excess collections last year: $0
= Total to be paid from taxes in 2024: $219,177
+ Amount added in anticipation that the unit will collect only 100.00% of its taxes in 2024: $0
= Total debt levy: $219,177
This notice contains a summary of actual no-new-revenue and voter-approval calculations as certified by Tammy McRae, Tax Assessor-Collector on 07/27/2024.
Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.
The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.
Tax Calculation Worksheet 2024